Corporate Tax Advisor Dubai

Corporate Tax Advisor in Dubai

Tax Advisory
Corporate Tax Advisor in Dubai

With the introduction of Starting in June 2023, the UAE will be implementing a Direct Tax system, which imposes taxes directly on profits. As such, the corresponding tax laws can be intricate and require careful consideration by business leaders. It's important for them to assess the relevance and potential effects of taxes on individual transactions as well as throughout the lifespan of their organization. In order to navigate these complexities, it may be beneficial for businesses to seek the guidance of a Corporate Tax Advisor in Dubai

Corporate Tax Advisors in Dubai play a critical role in helping organizations and shareholders minimize their tax liabilities and maximize their tax benefits. By focusing on key areas such as tax treaties and DTAAs, long-term business arrangements, entity structuring, corporate transactions, arm's length pricing, and compliance, Corporate Tax Advisors in Dubai can provide clients with expert advice on tax-related issues that affect their businesses.

As a Corporate Tax Advisor in Dubai, my key responsibilities involve:

  1. Assessing the overall impact of taxes on the organisation and its shareholders, and providing effective tax planning strategies to optimise tax efficiency.
  2. Understanding the impact of tax treaties and DTAAs between the UAE and other countries, and advising clients on how to benefit from these treaties to minimise tax liabilities.
  3. Reviewing long-term business arrangements, franchises, or distribution models, and providing advice on how to structure these arrangements to achieve tax efficiency.
  4. Structuring entities and related parties in the group for a tax advantage, taking into account transfer pricing regulations and other relevant tax laws.
  5. Assessing the impact of corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions on tax liabilities, and providing advice on how to structure these transactions to minimise tax costs.
  6. Planning business with the mainland, free zones, GCC, and the rest of the world, taking into account local tax laws and regulations, and providing advice on how to optimize tax efficiency.
  7. Ensuring that arm’s length pricing is maintained in line with transfer pricing regulations to avoid any potential tax disputes.
  8. Planning for the tax impact of early year losses and subsequent profitability to minimize tax liabilities.
  9. Ensuring compliance with all relevant tax laws and regulations, and responding to tax enquiries from the authorities in a timely and efficient manner.